Monday, October 12, 2015

Product Review: Pepperidge Farm "Chesapeake"

About the manufacturer, Pepperidge Farm is a Connecticut-based food processing company.

Currently a subsidiary of the Campbell Soup Company, they manufacture breads, cookies, and crackers, among other, and also known for distributing Tim Tams by Arnott's, another Campbell subsidiary.

Today we will be reviewing Chesapeake™ Dark Chocolate Pecan.

Category: Cookie
Class: Crispy Cookies

Packed comfortable in a foil paper bag and weighing 204 grams, it looks quite appealing and classy with that easy on the eyes design, including a very clear and closeup visual of the delectable cookies.

Availability: If there's an SM Supermarket or SM Hypermarket near you, then it's easy to find these things. Other spots like Puregold and Robinson's do not sport these babies, same goes with conveniences stores like 7-11, Mini-Stop and Family Mart.

Going to your good ol' PX goods stores might help you too or ordering it online would be comfortable, but the waiting game is there to put stress on you if you crave for these niceties.

Rating: 2 out of 4

Quality: Well it promised to be crispy cookies, and it delivers quite well. It's not powder-dry like crackers and you can still get a good helping of those dark chocolate chips. The texture that the pecans bring in is quite nice too. It does not bring in that feeling of home-baked goodness that many people look for and the overall taste of the cookie leaves more for wanting.

Rating: 2 out of 4

Value for Money: Packed in 2 small trays of 4 cookies each, these little ones come in at a little under Php17.00 per piece, as the bag is pegged at Php135 each. One could want more as the bag contains only a little amount of heaven.

Rating: 2 out of 4

Overall: It delivers as promised but I would not buy it again.

Credits to: websites in links.

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